Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My Journey to Whole30 (and a recipe)

It seems that everytime I take 2 steps forward I then sabatoge myself and end up takin one step back.  And, while this is very frustrating at times, I am proud of myself for getting right back on the Paleo wagon when I fall off.  As proud as I am of myself though, I don't want to keep getting into this cycle of Paleo, not Paleo, Paleo, not Paleo.  To me it feels a bit like a yo-yo diet cycle and we all know how unhealthy that is. 

So my next question that I pose to myself is why do I do this and how can I stop.

I think I figured out an answer to this question earlier this week.  I had been doing really well on Paleo for a week or more and then came a Cinco de Mayo celebration at a friends house.  While I could have made the decision to only eat the Paleo stuff (and yes I cooked a couple of paleo dishes but both were major failures... more on this later) I decided to just go with the flow and eat what everyone else was eating.  I figured I could just get right back up on Paleo the next meal and everything would be fine.  Well let me tell you, I was so totally wrong.  It took me two more days to get back on track.  Now, I didn't eat horibbly the other days, but it certainly wasn't Paleo approved.Continue Reading for the Island Chicken Salad

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